On 14 and 15 January 2021, the DCU Brexit Institute hosted the fourth conference of the BRIDGE network event series, in collaboration with University of Bozen and Bolzano, the University of Copenhagen and the Central European University.
The conference “Migration and Differentiation in EU Law & Governance” took place online via Zoom. It was opened by the remarks by Federico Fabbrini (DCU Brexit Institute), principal investigator of BRIDGE and Director of the Brexit Institute and kicked off with panel 1 “From the Migration Crisis to the New Migration Pact”.
The first panel saw the participation of Leila Hadj-Abdou (University of Vienna & EUI Migration Policy Centre), Susan Rottmann (Özyeğin University), Filippo Scuto (University of Milan) and Vladislava Stoyanova (Lund University). Then the second panel followed, on “Migration, Differentiation and a Europe of Variable Geometry”, chaired by Stefania Baroncelli (University of Bolzano). The speakers of the panel were Dia Anagnostou (Panteion University) Marta Pardavi (Hungarian Helsinki Committee) Lilian Tsourdi (University of Maastricht) and Renata Uitz (CEU).
The second day began with panel 3 “Migration, Brexit & the Future of EU-UK Relations”, chaired by Dr Veronica Corcodel (DCU). Panelists were Orsolya Farkas (University of Bolzano), Jonathan Portes (LSE), Federico Fabbrini and Giovanni Zaccaroni (DCU Brexit Institute). The second panel of day 2 was “Citizenship, Migration and Populism” and was chaired by Renata Uitz (CEU). This second day 2 panel featured the participation of Athanasia Andriopoulou (University of Copenhagen), Helle Krunke (University of Copenhagen), Bashir Otukoya (DCU) and Lina Papadopoulou (University of Thessaloniki).
In the afternoon of day 2 the final High-Level Dialogue “Migration, Populism and the Future of Europe” took place, chaired by Helle Krunke (University of Copenhagen). The guests of the final leg of the conference were Ambassador Ferdinando Nelli Feroci (President of Istituto Affari Internazionali, former European Commissioner, former Permanent Representative of Italy to the EU) and Professor Miguel Poiares Maduro (Founding Director of the EUI School of Transnational Governance, former Deputy Prime Minister of Portugal, former ECJ Advocate General).